Blog And Media Coverage

Silver covers Supreme Court case of CIC vs. IRS

US Supreme Court held oral arguments in a case of CIC vs IRS, dealing with the ability of taxpayers…
Silver covers Supreme Court case of CIC vs. IRS

Silver files final brief in support of Transition Tax summary judgement

See brief at
Silver files final brief in support of Transition Tax summary judgement

Reg Challenge Finds Ally in Center for Taxpayer Rights

The Center for Taxpayer Rights is joining the fray in an administrative law challenge to the…
Reg Challenge Finds Ally in Center for Taxpayer Rights

Law360 covers our motion for summary judgement

To read article, see…
Law360 covers our motion for summary judgement

We caught Treasury/IRS hiding documents & file a motion to compel. Dirty tricks. This will hurt!

Not only did Treasury/IRS not comply with the RFA or PRA. Not only did they delay an entire year in…
We caught Treasury/IRS hiding documents & file a motion to compel. Dirty tricks. This will hurt!

Bloomberg: Silver files Summary judgement in Transition tax case

May 15, 2020, 2:13 PM· Case centers on whether officials followed procedures when issuing…
Bloomberg: Silver files Summary judgement in Transition tax case

Completeness of Administrative Record Challenged in Silver

The plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging the validity of the transition tax regulations are…
Completeness of Administrative Record Challenged in Silver

Silver Moves for Summary Judgment in Transition Tax Suit

Andrew at Tax Notes provides a solid article on the motion for summary judgment.…
Silver Moves for Summary Judgment in Transition Tax Suit

The Banking industry Failed. The Insurance industry Failed. Our crowdfunded lawsuit won.…
The Banking industry Failed. The Insurance industry Failed. Our crowdfunded lawsuit won.

Federalist Society hosts event on our case

hallenges to Tax RegulationsAdministrative Law Practice GroupUntil recently, the Internal Revenue…
Federalist Society hosts event on our case

Treasury/IRS produce the Administrative Record.

Treasury & the IRS have produced the Administrative Record (AR), and its totally bare. There is…
Treasury/IRS produce the Administrative Record.

Monte Silver feature article in Tax Notes: So you want to challenge a Treasury regulation issued under the TCJA?

This 2500 word article feature article I wrote goes into depth as to how you can challenge a…
Monte Silver feature article in Tax Notes: So you want to challenge a Treasury regulation issued under the TCJA?

Tax Notes Feature Article: Rethinking Challenges to Treasury Regulations

Our attorney wrote this…
Tax Notes Feature Article: Rethinking Challenges to Treasury Regulations

Treasury/IRS file answer to lawsuit

To read the answer, click here:…
Treasury/IRS file answer to lawsuit

Our case cited in Supreme Court brief!!!

I knew that our case was significant, but to be cited in a brief submitted to the Supreme Court…
Our case cited in Supreme Court brief!!!

American Bar Association event on our case

American Bar Association event on our case

Treasury files answer, Doubles Down on Spurned Arguments in Silver, Offers New Ones

ANDREW VELARDEContact AuthorThe government is not abandoning several of its defenses…
Treasury files answer, Doubles Down on Spurned Arguments in Silver, Offers New Ones

Monte Silver joins AARO board & heads tax committee

Monte Silver, the Israel-based American expat lawyer who made headlines last month when a U.S.…
Monte Silver joins AARO board & heads tax committee

Tax Notes follow up article on the ruling
Tax Notes follow up article on the ruling

Tax Notes: In depth article analyzes the significance of our surpising win

To say that I am very fond of this article would be an understatement. it has it all.Correct…
Tax Notes: In depth article analyzes the significance of our surpising win

#1 leading blog on procedural aspects of tax litigation explains the significance of the ruling.

What a way to begin. The highly respected Mr. Keith Fogg provides a long technical discussion on…
#1 leading blog on procedural aspects of tax litigation explains the significance of the ruling.

WE WIN!!!! Judge's one-sided ruling crushes Treasury/IRS

In a stunning victory that suprised every single expert, the judge's ruling, issued Christmas eve,…
WE WIN!!!! Judge's one-sided ruling crushes Treasury/IRS

Law360 covers Government final reply brief

For the full article, see…
Law360 covers Government final reply brief

Law360 discusses the case and its significance

To read article, see
Law360 discusses the case and its significance

Tax360 reports on motion to dismiss: Anti-Injunction Act does not bar small business lawsuit

For entire article, see…
Tax360 reports on motion to dismiss: Anti-Injunction Act does not bar small business lawsuit

Law 360 discusses the technical hurdles we face in the motion to dismiss

To read article, see
Law 360 discusses the technical hurdles we face in the motion to dismiss

Tax Notes: Plaintiffs fire back in opposition to motion to dismiss  I…
Tax Notes: Plaintiffs fire back in opposition to motion to dismiss

We file our opposition to the motion to dismiss

As I have told senior Treasury/IRS officials since August 2018 when the proposed regulations came…
We file our opposition to the motion to dismiss

Calculating Transition Tax Doesn’t Give Suit Standing, DOJ Claims In Reply Brief

ANDREW VELARDEContact AuthorAs litigation over the validity of the transition tax regs…
Calculating Transition Tax Doesn’t Give Suit Standing, DOJ Claims In Reply Brief

Treasury/IRS file motion to dismiss our Transition Tax lawsuit

As anticipated, Treasury/IRS have filed a motion to dismiss our complaint on technicalities -…
Treasury/IRS file motion to dismiss our Transition Tax lawsuit