Webinar: The impact of the Repatriation and GILTI taxes on American business owners living abroad
Thursday May 31, 2018
10:00 am London, 11:00 am Paris/Germany, 17:00 Beijing/HK, 18:00 Seoul/Tokyo
The 2017 US tax reform created two new taxes: the Repatriation and GILTI taxes. Although intended for US multinationals like Google and Apple, these taxes have a severe impact on American citizens and Green-card holders who are professionals or business owners living outside the United States ("Expats").
This web-seminar, intended for American tax professionals and American business owners living outside the United States, will discuss the following:
- The problem these taxes came to address.
- Understanding the new tax laws
- The impact these laws have on Expats.
- Compliance timelines, planning around the taxes, and tax advocacy activity aimed at exempting Expats from these taxes
To register click here - https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xfJh9jFHTgGmudaY1yFTLw
To read published articles on the subject in preparation for the webinar or otherwise see www.silvercolaw.com/articles items 31-40 or www.silvercolaw.com/blog