WHEN: Monday October 8, 2018.
Asia/Europe – 9am UK, 10am France/Germany, 11am Israel, 5pm Seoul/Tokyo, 6pm Sydney.
Americans/Europe – 9am PST, 12 pm EST, 5pm London, 6 pm France Germany. 7 pm Israel.
The webinar will discuss:
1. Overview of the Repatriation tax-related October 15, 2018 filing requirements. 2. Tax planning options available. 3. Tax advocacy - status & timeline 4. Alternative next steps
1. Asia/Europe – https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ym3Z_RpkRAuYVo8hHkxKVg
2. Americans/Europe - https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IkH_oflVRk6drBaMKnijrA