The U.S. Tax reform hits English-based American business owners and professionals hard!17.5% Repatriation tax on 30 years of accumulated profits of English corporations controlled by U.S citizen and Green Card holders!
London event
Thursday May 10, 2018 Time: 09:30 - 12:00
Event begins and ends with 30 networking session
Place: Theobold room. Monticello House45 Russell Square, London
The 2017 US tax reform created two new taxes: the Repatriation and GILTI taxes. Although intended for US multinationals like Google and Apple, these taxes have a severe impact on American citizens and Greencard holders who are professionals or business owners living in England.
This seminar, intended for U.S. and English tax professionals and Americans living in England who have interests in English companies, will discuss the following:
U.S. Tax Aspects:· The Repatriation and GILTI Taxes
· The problem these taxes came to address.
· Understanding the new tax laws
· The impact these laws have on American business owners and professionals living in England
· Compliance and ways to plan around the tax. Advocacy alternatives
Monte Silver is a U.S. tax attorney residing outside the U.S. Mr. Silver previously worked at the Estate & Gift Tax division of the I.R.S. and at the U.S. Tax Court. He specializes in providing advanced tax solutions to American expats. In addition to having published extensively on the impact of the Repatriation and GILTI taxes on Americans abroad, Mr. Silver has initiated a global tax advocacy effort to exempt expats from these taxes. See our website at and the global petition at
London event is free but advance registration is required. To register, send email
Private meetings are available on Thursday May 10 and Friday May 11. To schedule, send email