Simply put, we are business owners who have seen our businesses negatively impacted by federal laws and regulations, often created: (i) to address abuses by large corporations, but which get applied to our businesses as well, or (ii) in complete disregard to the interests or abilities of small to medium size businesses.
At a certain point, the compliance burdens on our businesses became so overwhelming that we had no alternative but to take a stand and act. And as described in the case studies and blog/media sections, we acted in a focused and decisive manner and won and continue to win against the most powerful agency of the Federal government - the Treasury Department & the IRS.
We are laser-focused and fearless. And our mission is simple: help other businesses and their associations protect themselves from overbearing laws and regulations of the federal government.
Who we are not: We are not a membership-driven trade association. We are not retainer-driven lobbyists or consultants. We are not fee-driven lawyers or accountants. We have no political agenda or ambitions. We are simply business owners looking to help others implement the strategies and ideas that have brought us successful.