Final GILTI-related regulations deliver HUGE win for our advocacy!

Monte Silver
By Monte Silver

Final GILTI-related regulations deliver HUGE win for our advocacy!

Today Treasury issued final regs related to GILTI. These regs relate directly to American expats and US based Americans that operate businesses overseas via a non-US corporation.

The regs provide us small business owners with three meaningul, permanent forms of relief. These forms of relief are 100% the result of our advocacy!

  1. The IRC 250 deduction is available to a taxpayer doing a 962 election.

  2. The 962 election is retro to Jan 2018, thus making the availablility of the IRC 250 deduction available from the beginning of GILTI

  3. A company can do a 962 election in an amended return

I am aware of no other expat advocacy EVER ever that achieved a final permanent fix!

To see the regs,