Harvard Law School files Amicus brief

Monte Silver
By Monte Silver

The Harvard Law School Tax Clinic (HLSTC) filed an Amicus brief in support of our motion for summary Judgment!!! WOW, is all I can say!!!!

Such briefs are usually filed in cases at the Supreme court, when the case involves an issue of serious social importance. Amicus briefs are rarely filed not in cases at the trial level.

In this case, HLSTC (https://hls.harvard.edu/dept/clinical/clinics/federal-tax-clinic-lsc) is filing the brief on behalf of "The Center for Taxpayer Rights" (CTR) - a non-profit founded by Nina Olsen, the recently retired head of the National Taxpayer Advocate, an independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service (https://taxpayer-rights.org/about-us/)

To read the amicus, click:
